You can’t be everything to everyone…and you shouldn’t be!

I’ll never forget the day my sister said to me,”you can’t be everything to everyone.” It hurt my heart. I’m a fixer. I want everyone I love to have everything they need. She was right of course, I can’t be everything to everyone, so I’ve spent a lot of time praying and learning what I can and should be.

I am A child of the King, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an employee, a….you get the jest. I’m a lot of things. I cannot be all things.

The last couple of years have been collectively hard on everyone, but they have also been a huge blessing. I’ve had to evaluate all the roles I play, some that are my roles and others that were never mine to play.

Today my youngest son laid his head in my lap and went to sleep. For a brief moment I thought I have so much to do, I will set here for just a moment then get up and get busy. Then I felt it in my spirit, set, be in this moment. This is your reward. Holding your baby (my 6’3 baby) resting. You are his Mom, he needs your time. So I did!

It’s a learning process, to just be. To be present, to let go of your own expectations.

A perfectly put together home, meals that everyone will love(just FYI that will never happen, let that dream go! ) ,to be put together and on top of things. Whatever your list is..evaluate it, pray about it, learn to be…be who the Lord has called you to be. Not what society says you should be.

Have I figured it out? Nope!

Will I fail? Yes!

Will I try again? Yes!

Today I was in one moment, fully and completely in. It was soul refreshing. I probably missed a dozen other moments and that’s ok. I’m learning.

I’m learning to let go of people, of situations, of expectations, learning to let people I love learn to do the things they are called to do without my interference!!

Letting go is hard, being in the moment is hard, trying to be something your not is hard. Chose your hard. Do what you can, be kind, chose love.

In this moment, I’m in full Mom mode and it’s my favorite role! Thank you, Jesus! Later I will be a cook, a laundress, a boss, it is changing. I’m learning, what I am, who I am and who I am not. Maybe you are learning to. We got this! Pray about it, seek His will and He will show you where to really dig in and what doors need to be closed. It’s not always easy, but it’s freeing.

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