
I walked into my living room and leaned against our fireplace. Something I’ve done one hundred times. You see we have concrete gas logs. The old kind that radiate heat long after you turn them off. I did not however take into account that I had on my long nightgown.

My nightgown😬

I caught myself on fire. It scared me and my boys to death. That night gown light up like a Christmas tree. I burned my carpet, my chair, my legs…my pride.

It was so fast, I mean in an instant.

I just keep thinking, that’s all of life. We are going about our lives and all the sudden your world is on fire.

Sickness, accidents, unrepentant sin, willful disobedience, or…like me…sheer stupidity. A perfectly normal day becomes an inferno.

Look no further than the current state of our world. It may not be on literal fire, although it is that at times, it does appear that we are bent on destroying it.

But God!

I love those words!

But God!

But God!

It feels my heart with joy when I see these words. We have hope, joy, peace, even while on fire. 🔥

I’m a good lesson on what not to do anyway! So, if you have not caught yourself on fire 🔥 today! It’s a good day! That’s the new standard!

So without further ado…the video….

Don’t try this at home 😂🔥

Y’all….it’s gonna be ok! 😜

Heavy hearts

My heart is heavy today. So many people I love are struggling. Really struggling. Sometimes living in this broken world is hard.

Loving the unlovely, ugh.

Letting go of dreams, having dreams ripped apart. 👎

Watching people we love make bad or unhealthy decisions 😢

Mental, physical, emotional situations.😢

It’s all so hard.

Zeke and I have been studying about a content heart. What is a content heart? Is it free from the hardness of life? Are content people free if troubles?

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the answer is no. No one on this side of the dirt is free of trouble. Admittedly it seems that trouble is in overtime lately, it’s still all part of loving in a fallen world. 🌎

Parents, we don’t get a pass. It doesn’t matter if your child is an infant or has started to have grey hair. We must intercede in prayer. We must!

As I set this morning in my prayer time I couldn’t even find the words. Tears streamed down my face as I prayed for people I love. Parents struggling, kids, teenagers, adult children, grand parents. No one is immune to troubles.

Thankfully the Lord addresses this in His word.

Matthew 6: 28-34 I encourage you to read the whole thing.

God provides for our needs the exact moment we need them. Our worrying does nothing.

That’s not true, it steals from us. We are essentially robbing ourselves.

Trust that Lord is in control. He loves the people you are most worried about today. He loves them perfectly. Rest in His love. I’m with you, this is a hard lesson to learn. Worry is an addiction, it makes us feel useful. It’s not useful and not glorifying to God. Let’s give Him our worries today. Even if that means continually handing them over all day.

But a Vapor

Zeke and I were sitting behind an old pickup truck the other day in traffic. Nothing about the truck or the people in it would have normally stood out. Except the guy driving let out this huge, and I mean huge puff of smoke. It filled the cab and went out the window. We both stated laughing. It was a comically sized puff of smoke. The thing was it was gone in an instant. Had either one of us been looking away even for a millisecond we would have missed it. 💨

The Lord tells us in His word we are but a vapor.

Psalm 39:5-6Holman Christian Standard Bible

5 You, indeed, have made my days short in length,
and my life span as nothing in Your sight.
Yes, every mortal man is only a vapor.Selah

I gotta tell you, we waste a lot of time for a people who don’t last long.

I know, life is hard. So many people I love are struggling right now, myself included. I also know this, the Lord is in control. He knows our struggles, our concerns. So today remember you are but a vapor, don’t waste your time worrying! Spend it praising your Heavenly Father who loves you. Tell Him your concerns. Spend time in His word. Set at His feet and let His love sooth your troubled mind.

Recently an acquaintance of mine passed away from cancer. I say acquaintance because I didn’t know her very long or well. She moved away soon after I met her. But for such a short encounter she made a huge impact.

She was a powerhouse of a woman. She was all things I want to be when I grow up. She was an amazing cook, a fantastic Gardner, artist, writer, singer, you name it she could do it. When my kids were little she would make fun of me because I wanted to let them be artistic but I hated the mess. She would always tell me, let them be messy. Life is messy. She was the best Mom. Her kids were free to live. She loved God and if you spent any time with her at all you would hear about how Great God is. It was just who she was. I never told her how my very brief time with her impacted my parenting style.

Did she struggle? Of course she did! Her struggles did not define her. I tell you this to encourage you, she loved life all the way until she went home to Jesus, she laughed and loved even when times were hard. Her life here on earth was short. A Vapor, but man she packed in the loving in that short time.

Whatever you have going on, stress and worry over health, finances, lost loved ones, relationships with spouses, children, siblings, parents. Whatever it is…take it to Christ. He knows, He loves you, He will carry you through. We don’t always understand life on this side of heaven. I’m so thankful I don’t have to. I can rest knowing God is in control.

Trust and obey…sing with me!

Trust and obey,

for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus,

but to trust and obey.

Oh, Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

And ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!Oh, for grace to trust You more!

You go you little vapor! I’m right there with you! Packing the love in. 💨💨💨