
I walked into my living room and leaned against our fireplace. Something I’ve done one hundred times. You see we have concrete gas logs. The old kind that radiate heat long after you turn them off. I did not however take into account that I had on my long nightgown.

My nightgown😬

I caught myself on fire. It scared me and my boys to death. That night gown light up like a Christmas tree. I burned my carpet, my chair, my legs…my pride.

It was so fast, I mean in an instant.

I just keep thinking, that’s all of life. We are going about our lives and all the sudden your world is on fire.

Sickness, accidents, unrepentant sin, willful disobedience, or…like me…sheer stupidity. A perfectly normal day becomes an inferno.

Look no further than the current state of our world. It may not be on literal fire, although it is that at times, it does appear that we are bent on destroying it.

But God!

I love those words!

But God!

But God!

It feels my heart with joy when I see these words. We have hope, joy, peace, even while on fire. 🔥

I’m a good lesson on what not to do anyway! So, if you have not caught yourself on fire 🔥 today! It’s a good day! That’s the new standard!

So without further ado…the video….

Don’t try this at home 😂🔥

Y’all….it’s gonna be ok! 😜

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