So what!

The last couple of years have been rough on us. Its hard to make a resolution when so much of our lives have been up ended. Still…

My resolution for 2022 is to live fearlessly. I have always wanted to write and speak. I have dabbled at it for years. This year I’m going to write. I am currently working on a book.

Will it be good? I hope so, but even if its not, so what? I won’t know until I try.

I have always operated from a place of fear.

What if I say the wrong thing?

What if they (whoever they are) don’t like me?

What if I make a fool of myself?

What if??????

This year I’m going to do it! Whatever it is, I’m going to try the things that scare me. I might fail, but who cares, thats better than not ever taking a chance.

Here is to doing what scares you! Lets be women who live fearlessly, who take chances and do things that scare us! Lets be who we admire, we all have gifts, use them! There is no time like the present to become who God made you to be. Join me won’t you!

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